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Fitness Tips

Living a healthy lifestyle, staying strong and active is a mind-set. Our motto: 'Mind over Matter'. You can achieve anything. Stay strong and focused and with the right guidance you will meet your goal
Larry Flowers

Gym Tips and Motivation

Before beginning any workout or physical activity, it is essential that you consult your physician.  Whether you are in a beginner, intermediate or advance level, it is equally important to set a work out program that includes the following:

  1. Cardiovascular Exercise
  2. Strength Training
  3. Flexibility
  4. Proper Nutrition

Stay focused and stay with your exercise program.  Keep this in mind.

  1. Avoid Plateaus
  2. Take Breaks
  3. Stay Motivated!!

Your motivation is crucial.  Avoid strolling around the gym and taking long breaks in between workouts.  If your goal is to get fit and workout, your key is to stay focused and committed to a program and goal.  This is where it starts for you.

First Step: Commitment.  Focus.  Make no excuses and get to that gym.  You will feel better when you do.  Set a schedule to go 2 to 3 days a week – without fail.  Change your on/off days around, break the monotonous in your schedule.  Whatever works best for you but committing to the 3 days a week.


 Choose your best time of the day.  If you’re a morning person, you may want to work out early mornings.  If you prefer and or feel more motivated after work then set your work out schedule without fail.  Again, find your best time of the day and stay committed!!

Second Step: Always warm up – 5 to 10 minutes on the elliptical machine, bike or light jogging.

Stay Focused Working OutThird Step: Do less. Forget about 3 sets. One set of 10 to 20 with enough weight to tire the muscle – not to the point of pain or strain (you do not want to get hurt). This yields 90% of the benefit of 3 sets in 1/5 of the time!!! Less boring too!!  Staying aware of your workout progress will keep you connected to what your body is doing and feeling.

Limit yourself to 6 to 9 machines and 20 to 30 minutes. Rotate your workout among upper body, core (mid-section) and legs. Keep moving. No rests. Work major muscle groups. Curls not needed. Arms are worked indirectly by chest, back or shoulder exercises. The slower you move weight the better. Do not rush through it, slow movement will work the muscle over its full range.

Fourth Step: Hop on the elliptical machine for 10 to 20 minutes. You can optionally switch to the treadmill for another 5 to 10. Work hard enough to sweat. NO READING allowed. Once you have settled into a routine, intersperse with 1 or 2 minute intense intervals (interval training) where you push your heart rate an extra 10 or 20 BPM.

Fifth Step: Cool down for 5 minutes on treadmill. Stretch at the end of each workout. Reward yourself with a few minutes in the steam room or sauna.

Create challenges for yourself.  Continue to set different goals as you progress. Join NC Bodyduilding today to help keep you motivated by network with Fitness Consultant, online Personal Trainers, Nutriton and other people that's living a healthy Lifestyle! CLICK HERE JOIN!

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Larry Flowers

6 Golden Rules of Working Out!

It doesn’t matter how often you workout or how you prefer to get your sweat on, any person who has been in the fitness world for some time will tell you that there are a few golden rules that you should follow when it comes to working out.

No matter how hard to train, if you fail to follow these basic rules, chances are that you will not see the results that you are hoping for. Get ready, because here are the golden rules of working out

1. Choose a workout that you enjoy


There is no point signing up for 12 weeks of painful bootcamp if you are genuinely going to hate it. Look for a workout that inspires you to keep training and that you genuinely enjoy. Sure you may not enjoy every moment of it, but overall you should look forward to your workouts.


2. Do cardio


If you’re into strength training it can be all too easy to forget your weekly cardio. Experts suggest making sure that you do at least 20 minutes of challenging cardio, three times a week. If you are trying to lose weight then doing up to 60 minutes of vigorous cardio, five times a week is about the maximum you should be doing.

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Larry Flowers

Techniques You Need to Know to Get Bigger Arms

Going shirtless or wearing a tank top at the beach can be a nerve-wracking experience if you aren’t feeling great about your arms.

Recently, training programs have shied away from isolation movements for the “functional” and “athletic” type programs instead. While there’s nothing wrong with that, those approaches can leave certain “problem” areas underdeveloped—especially if you're focused on your physique. And focusing on arm development can be a slow process, especially if you're sticking with the usual set and rep schemes.

 The solution? Moving away from the basics and focusing on a few key advanced concepts, you can add slabs of muscle to your arms—and start splitting your sleeves in no time.

Technique 1: Progressive Overload

With progressive overload, you'll continually lift more to make your muscles work harder than they’re accustomed to. This excess demand will help you to make gains in muscle size, strength and endurance.

Here are three ways you can progressively overload your muscles.

1. Increase resistance - Add more weight
2. Increase sets - add a couple more sets to each exercise
3. Increase reps- mix up your volume with higher and lower rep schemes. 

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3200 Hits
Larry Flowers

Learn How To Making A High Protein Shake Without Protein Powder

If you’ve been around the health and fitness world for any period of time, you’ll know that protein is must if you are looking to maintain a healthy diet, lose weight or build muscle. According to NZ registered nutritionist Nikki Hart (MSc Nutritional Science), protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. “It is important for both men and women to achieve a good protein intake,” Hart told us. “Protein can be used as an energy source especially if your intake of carbohydrates is low but the main role of protein is growth and repair. Apart from water, protein is the most abundant substance in the body. Your organs, skin, hair, nails, hormones, enzymes and muscles are all made of protein.”

Hart also says that if you are looking to lose weight, protein is a must. “Protein certainly helps you to stay fuller and this may help you lose weight. And it is evident that Western populations are consuming more energy-dense, processed foods and this can dilute the protein quality of the diet.”

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1977 Hits
Larry Flowers

Bigger Arms in Four Weeks!

How would you like to kick start your arm training program that will start adding new size to your arms in as little as 4 weeks?

fitnessI thought you might be interested Training arms is fun. Really, it's just so much fun knowing that with each passing workout they get bigger and bigger.

Unlike legs, which can be brutally hard (Which explains all the big arms and little legs out there), training arms is super exciting and requires little work (relative to big muscle groups such as the back and legs).

Sometimes, I just get the urge to add a little more size to my arms and just train the hell out of them. I'll usually get this way just before summer when I know my arms are going to hanging out of a t-shirt.

I get a ton of questions about how to build big arms so, I thought, why not put together a quick and dirty arm training program. So, for this month's workout, I thought I'd pass on a 4 week arm routine.

The first thing I have to say about building big arms is that they need to be given priority over everything else. What you want to do is train them first in your weight lifting cycle and you'll only train arms and nothing else. This way, you give them 100 percent of your effort and attention. Rest assured that once you start to do this, your arms will start to grow (assuming your diet is in place).

Larry Flowers

Learn How You Can Get a Flat Stomach After 40

As we age, our metabolism slows down and belly fat becomes more difficult to lose. After 40, it’s much easier to lose muscle mass and water weight than actual fat. For this reason, those of us over 40 have to work a little harder than someone in her 20’s to get a toned stomach. It can be done, though—just ask Cameron Diaz! Here are some proven tips to get a flat stomach after 40.


Tip 1: Modify your dinner menu.


Switch up your dinnertime dining options to include more protein and fewer carbohydrates. Our blackened sockeye salmon with a small green salad is a great example.


Tip 2: Each a diet rich in fiber.


Fiber can help you fight fat, feel more full, and lose weight. Fiber is a component of some carbohydrates that cannot be digested. It pushes through our system and cleans it out along the way. Try a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast and Skinny Quinoa with Black Beans for dinner.

Larry Flowers

How Much Protein Do You Really Need for Strength Training?

It’s well established that consuming protein after weightlifting helps repair and build muscle. But how much do you need in order to maximize muscle-protein synthesis? Experts have long believed that body weight dictates intake, but that anything above 25 grams of protein is moot. Not so fast.

A new study turns that whole more-brawn-more-protein thinking on its head. Exercise scientists from Stirling University in Scotland have determined that ideal post-exercise intake isn’t as much about body weight as the type and intensity of strength training. Also contrary to previous thinking, after certain resistance exercise sessions, 40 grams of protein is indeed more effective than 20 grams at stimulating muscle protein synthesis.

To determine this, the researchers recruited 30 resistance-trained men. They assigned those who weighed 143 pounds or less to the lower lean body mass group, and guys weighing 154 pounds or more to the higher lean body mass group. Both sets of men completed two sessions of whole-body resistance training in random order. After one, they were given 20 grams of whey protein; after the other, they got 40 grams. Next, the researchers took tissue samples to assess muscle-protein synthesis following each workout.

Larry Flowers

Five Ways to Help Improve Your Testosterone Naturally

1. Weight loss

Men who are obese are probably inadvertently lowering their testosterone counts. There seems to be a strong correlation between obesity and having a low testosterone count. Men who are able to lose weight will steadily improve their testosterone at the same time. They should also manage to enjoy all sorts of other health benefits in the process. Obese men also find it somewhat more difficult to exercise. Since exercise can also have a positive effect on one's testosterone, weight loss can help men with their testosterone directly and indirectly.

Larry Flowers

Chest Workout Tips

Chest Workouts

 A variety of resistance exercises can be used to train the pectoralis major muscle.

What is resistance training?  It is the type of exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance with dumbbells, bands or your own weight.  These exercises when done correctly are expected to help you build up your strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance.

In the bodybuilding world or for more hardcore training, most prefer dumbbells, barbells on bench or free weights.  People interested in just toning should not shy away or be frightened to use free weights.  You may see quicker and/or better results using dumbbells or by weight training.

Exercises for chest workouts include bench pressing (using dumbbells, barbells or machines at various angles such as decline, incline and flat where the hips are above, below and level with the head respectively).  Pushups, flyes (using dumbbells or machines at either flat or inclined angles), cable crossovers or dips are great exercises for pecs, as well.

Larry Flowers

Cardio vs Weight Training

Cardio vs Weight TrainingAfter all the excess holiday weight gain, followed by the desire to lose a few extra pounds whether you have been to the gym or not; the largest question asked whenever it comes to weight loss or how to lose weight fast….has been should you do cardio training or weight training to maximize your results.  The answer to this question is simple but what it involves is not so simple.  Do both to maximize weight loss but maintain a healthy lifestyle to reap the benefits.

The number one fall out to any weight loss plan is sticking to your diet. A good weight loss plan will have you doing a mixture of cardio exercises and weight training.  A great program will have you sticking to a strict diet while performing a mixture of those exercises. All too often will people spend tireless months in the gym and then give up because they are not seeing the results they wanted.  The top 3 reasons why people fail:

Larry Flowers

Gym Tips and Motivation


Before beginning any workout or physical activity, it is essential that you consult your physician.  Whether you are in a beginner, intermediate or advance level, it is equally important to set a work out program that includes the following:

  1. Cardiovascular Exercise
  2. Strength Training
  3. Flexibility
  4. Proper Nutrition

Stay focused and stay with your exercise program.  Keep this in mind.

  1. Avoid Plateaus
  2. Take Breaks
  3. Stay Motivated!!

Your motivation is crucial.  Avoid strolling around the gym and taking long breaks in between workouts.  If your goal is to get fit and workout, your key is to stay focused and committed to a program and goal.  This is where it starts for you.

First Step: Commitment.  Focus.  Make no excuses and get to that gym.  You will feel better when you do.  Set a schedule to go 2 to 3 days a week – without fail.  Change your on/off days around, break the monotonous in your schedule.  Whatever works best for you but committing to the 3 days a week.

Larry Flowers

Lose Weight

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” ~~ La Rochefoucauld

Lose WeightThe proper nutrition will not only give you energy, it will reduce risk of injury and;  therefore, help you reach your goal.  The true secret to weight loss is–make small changes each and every day and you will slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run. Another way to do this is to focus less on a target weight and more on making healthy choices each day to reduce your calories.


Understanding exactly what you need to do is your first step.  Learn basic steps to lose weight, know how to set realistic goals and follow simple tips for making healthy lifestyle changes.  Your goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and tangible. Your first step is determining if you really need to lose weight.

A candidate for weight loss may have the following characteristics:

  • A BMI of more than 25
  • A Waist-Hip ratio of higher than .8 for women and higher than 1.0 men
  • An Abdominal Girth measurement of more than 35 inches in women and 40 inches in men

Other indications of why you may feel you may need to lose weight is the annoying feelings of tight clothes, being out of breath while doing simple activities, or stepping on a scale for the first time in a while.

Larry Flowers

Find the Right Personal Trainer


  How to Find the Right Personal Trainer in North Carolina

NC Personal Trainers

A fitness professional normally called personal trainer or fitness coach is a trained professional fitness trainer or instructor.  The personal trainer is knowledgeable in exercise and training.  A good personal trainer will motivate their clients to set goals and help them meet those goals. Its suggested that before hiring a personal trainer the person should ask about credentials to ensure they are receiving appropriate training and instructions.  A personal trainer will provide proper feedback and accountability to clients.

Before beginning any training session or training plan, a trainer will measure a client's strengths and weaknesses to perform a fitness NC How to find the right personal trainer in North Carolinaassessments. Fitness assessments can also be performed before and after an exercise program to measure a client's improvement.  A qualified personal trainer should let their client know of their area of expertise.  They must refer the client to the proper health professional for prior clearance.

Search for a Personal Trainer in your town..... Click Here



Larry Flowers

Water Intake


Water IntakeHow much fluid should one drink before and after exercise?  You probably can’t drink enough water before and after exercise, as long you can tolerate it and have a chance to eliminate before you exercise. 

At a minimum, you should drink three to four ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes during exercise. If you’re exercising hard, you may require eight ounces of water every 20 to 25 minutes. To determine if you’re taking in enough fluid to match your sweat losses, weigh yourself before and after each workout. Your after-workout weight should match your pre-exercise weight.


Larry Flowers

Shoulder or Deltoid Workouts

Shoulders WorkoutsThe deltoid muscle is commonly referred as shoulder.  It’s a small muscle responsible for helping the body through a wide range of movements. This muscle can become weak especially with age.  In later years, this loss of motion can affect your ability to lift and other daily activities. There’s a vast number of exercises you can do to help keep this muscle strong. Some exercises work this muscle from different angles.  There are so many variation of exercises but we mention one below.

Barbell Military Press

Instructions:  Grasp barbell from rack or clean barbell from floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width. Feet may be positioned shoulder width apart or one foot in front of other with forward leg slightly bent (as shown). Upper chest assists (instead of side delts) since grip is slightly narrower and chest is high with low back arched back slightly.

Larry Flowers

How to Schedule Your Workout?


The best time to workout is the time at which YOU will get it done.

Schedule Your WorkoutScheduling is critical to the success of your workout program.   Simply scheduling means commitment, and commitment means success. Write you workout in your appointment book and honor it as an important covenant. This commitment should be viewed no differently than a meeting with your boss or a prospective customer. It should not be easily erased, rescheduled, or heaven forbid, canceled.

When is the the best time to workout? Don’t let this question throw you. Forget about metabolism, circadian and biological rhythms, and your body’s daily ups and downs. Simply etch the time in stone when the best coexists with your personality (if you hate rising early, forget about scheduling early morning workouts) and other personal commitments. Just Schedule your workout at the time that best fits you


Larry Flowers

How to Get Fit Over 40?


Fit People Over 40 Years OldThe first order of business when considering an exercise regimen, whether it is for a weight loss diet, or as part of a physical fitness routine, is to consult your physician. Remember, the object is to improve your health, not damage it.

Many people, especially those 40 and over, are taking to the gym in an effort to recapture some of that physical fitness they may have lost over the years whether due to childbearing or from simple neglect because of a demanding job. Yet, some of them have reservations as to whether it is possible to get fit over 40. Well, the answer to that is a resounding yes! Gyms are packed with over 40 bodybuilding enthusiasts; many of them women—yes, there are fit women over 40.

The key to being successful at your exercise regimen, whether it is as part of a diet, or just to get fit is to take things slowly, especially if you are new to it. Start out with a moderate goal—something that is reasonably attainable—and work your way up from there. Nothing is more discouraging than choosing an unattainable goal early on and falling short.

Although it may be difficult for some, try scheduling your workouts for the same time each day. This will acclimate the body to the regimen and make it easier for you to attain your weight-loss goal. However, if you are not a morning person, resist the temptation to schedule your sessions for the AM.

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