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Improve Activity Levels with Healthy Shakes


This is a good article to read by Sara Gottfried, MD  30-Day Challenge: The ONE THING YOU CAN DO TO RESET YOUR HORMONES

I am often asked: What’s the ONE THING that will fix my hormones as fast as possible? My answer is to drink a green protein shake every day until your hormones are back on track, which usually takes 30 days, or longer depending on severity. Since you’re reading this article, I will assume your hormones are out of whack, and I want to challenge you to replace one meal with a nutrient-dense green shake for the next 30 days. It will help your mood, mindset, blood sugar, and weight loss. Your green shake will double your energy. It will make you feel lighter and less burdened, especially if you substitute your problem meal with your green shake.

Here are details – the WHY and the HOW – on how to create a shake for maximal nutrition and hormone-resetting powers.

Why swapping in a green shake for one meal a day might improve energy and weight loss

Green smoothies contain vegetables that are packed full of vitamins, minerals and omega 3’s, making them nutrient-dense – increasing energy, promoting healthy digestion, stabilizing blood sugar and reducing antigenic load. Providing your body with a clean source of nutrients can curb junk food cravings or binge eating, and trigger weight loss.

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Why this nutrient-dense meal replacement helps hunger and food choices all day long

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