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Massage Therapist in Cary NC



Medical and Sports Massage  -  

Healing Solutions focuses on Medical and Sports Massage for the enhancement of health and well-being for healthy-minded individuals.

We are dedicated to providing our clients with nurturing treatments and ongoing education to promote self-healing.  Whether you're into sports, bodybuilding or just want to live a healthy lifestyle, our services can help you prevent injuries and promote healthy muscles and joints.  

We provide the following services including but not limited to:

Sports Massage
Geared towards athletes and usually given before or after an athletic event. Before an event, it is used to promote peak performance, improve flexibility, and reduce the risk of injury. It is used after an event to help reduce muscle soreness and swelling, break down toxins, and increase blood circulation

sports massage

Deep Tissue Massage
Focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. When muscles are stressed, they block oxygen and nutrients, leading to inflammation that builds up toxins in the muscle tissue. A deep-tissue massage helps loosen muscle tissues, release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating properly. This type of massage also breaks down scar tissue, known as restrictive fascia (pronounced, fasha). Clients are usually instructed to drink plenty of water for a couple of days following the massage to help eliminate the released toxins.
Medical Massage
healing solutions logoIs a manual technique that is used in a rehabilitative therapy environment. It is not a general massage treatment like Swedish; rather, it is a therapy applied to a specific problem area or pathology. A medical massage therapist is certified and uses may of the same techniques as Swedish massage, but use them as a preliminary softening of tissue in order to get to the deep muscle tissue, complex joint systems, and inelastic connective tissue. Medical massage combines several manual therapies, including Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point, Neuromuscular Massage, Craniosacral therapy, and manual lymph drainage. Many of my Medical Massage clients are referred through doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, massage therapists, and other medical professionals.
Coming Soon -- Osteopathic Physician
Osteopathic Physician will move your muscles and joints using techniques including stretching, gentle pressure and resistance.
Who Can Benefit From OMT?
OMT can help people of all ages and backgrounds. The treatment can be used to ease pain, promote healing and increase overall mobility. OMT is often used to treat muscle pain.
Contact and Mention Carolina Bodybuilding:
Healing Solutions
4004  NC Hwy-55, Cary NC 27519
984-220-0061 or 919-937-8595
 ABOUT Christi-Anne Holder, LMBT (NC License No. 11767)
I am the owner and have been in the medical massage business for over 25 years. My passion is in supporting you in achieving optimal health and well-being! Making a difference in your health is my primary focus in allowing you to have a life full of ease of motion and reduction of any type of pain.
At Health Solutions, I assess and integrate specific massage techniques to achieve positive results to support your vitality, healing and physical well-being.
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4004 NC Hwy 55,Cary, North Carolina - 27519

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